April 13, 2024

Don’t put your Samsung Galaxy Note 5 S pen in backwards

Don’t put your Samsung Galaxy Note 5 S pen in backwards,you’ll probably break S Pen detection on your phone, permanently….



Galaxy Note 5 Samsung came up with a design that allows the S Pen to be stowed away flush inside the phone,so if you insert the S-Pen backwards into the silo used to house it, the phone will no longer be able to detect when the pen has been inserted and will stuck inside,It’s important to note that the S-Pen can go in backwards with zero force.but for anyone who uses the device correctly, this is a total non-issue,but those who don’t know, especially kids, might
unintentionally do.

Watch the Video:

via:Android Police

Android Police
noted the issue and a bevy of tech stories ensued. Samsung’s response was that customers should read the manual.

Samsung responded to the BBC by saying that “We highly recommend our Galaxy Note 5 users follow the instructions in the user guide to ensure they do not experience such an unexpected scenario caused by reinserting the S-Pen in the other way around.”

Follow the instructions:


As the Founder of SocialPositives.com and AndroidConnections.com, Mohammed Anzil has demonstrated an unmatched passion for keeping readers informed about the latest Android developments and innovations. Their keen insights and in-depth knowledge have made them a trusted source for tech enthusiasts worldwide.

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